Legal notice

Identification of Provider pursuant to § 6 of the Teleservices Act [TDG]

The provider of and party with responsibility for this website within the meaning of § 6 of the Act on the Utilization of Teleservices [TDG] of the Act to Regulate the Framework Conditions for Information and Communication Services [IuKDG], and in respect of editorial content, press law and of § 6 II of the State Treaty on Media Services (MDStV), is

Elizangela Ferreira-Kiesewetter
Erlenstraße 24
57234 Wilnsdorf
Tel.: + 49 (0)2739 - 4789334
Fax: + 49 (0)2739 - 4789336

Turnover tax identification No.: DE253422341

Legal notices

1. Content of the online service
Mediavision E.Ferreira-Kiesewetter, hereinafter referred to as Mediavision, shall not assume any responsibility for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against Mediavision  that relate to material or intellectual damage caused by the use or non-use of the information offered and/or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information shall in principle be ruled out, provided that Mediavision is not proven to be guilty of intent or gross negligence. All offers shall be subject to confirmation and non-binding. Mediavision  expressly reserves the right to amend, supplement, delete or temporarily or permanently cease operation of parts of the website or of the entire service without any specific advance notification.

2. References and Links
In the event of direct or indirect references to third-party websites ("links") that are outside Mediavision's sphere of responsibility, liability shall only exist if Mediavision has knowledge of the contents and if it would be technically possible and reasonable for Mediavision  to prevent usage in the case of illegal content. Mediavision  therefore expressly states that at the time the links were established, the corresponding linked pages were free of illegal content. Mediavision  has no influence at all on the current and future design and content of the linked pages. Consequently, Mediavision  hereby expressly distances itself from all content on all linked pages that has been changed after the respective link was established. This statement shall apply to all links and references placed within the confines of Mediavision's own website and for third-party entries in guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists set up by Mediavision. The provider of the site to which reference is made and not the party that merely refers to the respective publication via links shall bear sole responsibility for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for damages arising through the use or non-use of such information provided.

3. Copyright and labeling law
In all publications Mediavision shall endeavor to heed the copyrights of the graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts used, to use graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts that it has produced itself, or to rely on graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts that do not require a license. All trade names and trademarks mentioned on the website that are, where applicable, protected by third parties shall without restriction be subject to the provisions of the respective labeling law and to the ownership rights of the respective registered owners. It should not be assumed that trademarks are not protected by third-party rights merely because they are mentioned! The copyright for items produced and published by Mediavision C itself shall lie solely with Mediavision. The copying or use of such graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications shall not be permitted without Mediavision's express approval.

4. Data protection
Where the website offers the opportunity to input personal or business data (e-mail addresses, names, addresses), such data shall be provided by the users on an express voluntary basis. Where technically possible and reasonable, the use of and payment for all services offered shall also be permitted without the provision of such data and/or by providing anonymous data or a pseudonym.

5. Legal Validity of the Disclaimer
This disclaimer should be considered part of the website from which reference to this page was made. Where parts of or individual formulations in the present text do not correspond, no longer correspond or do not fully correspond to the current legal situation, this shall not affect the content and validity of the remaining parts of the document.

RoHS Compliance / EAR Registration No.    
The new RoHS and WEEE regulations have led to many questions from our customers. The failure of the European Union to clearly spell out all the details on this issue has made it extremely difficult for everyone. Mediavision has researched this issue very carefully and has taken the steps necessary to insure that we comply with these new regulations.


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